
A range of original songs, composed by Dominic Sewell and Laura Trundle to enhance lessons, or bring to life a particular topic (e.g. team work, communication, listening) or theme (e.g. pirates or animals), with MP3 files and sheet music for download.

Songs from Music Pack #1

Eight individual songs to encourage children to respond to different types of music, and learn about pitch and pulse. Once purchased, songs will be sent direct to your inbox.

Music Pack #2 Songs

Songs that encourage children to explore the relationship between notes, through the Sol-fa system. Coming soon.

“Teaching Blackbird classes has been a real pleasure.  The curriculum Helen has produced is well thought out and straightforward to deliver.  Kids and parents love the classes and often say how much they look forward to coming from week to week and how they love the songs they’re learning.  Kids that go on to instrument learning have had a great start with basic knowledge of musical ideas from the classes” – Georgiana, Blackbird teacher