Music Resource Packs

Our brand new music resource packs are designed to enable teachers and child carers of all musical abilities to lead high quality music lessons for 3-7 year olds, with confidence. Each music pack contains 10 lesson plans, and corresponds to the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Music Pack #1

Children will learn to read some basic rhythms, understand concepts of articulation and pulse, and respond emotionally to different kinds of music.

Music Pack #2

Children begin to understand the relationship between notes more, through using the Sol-fa system. Coming soon.

“Blackbird early years music curriculum is a great way to get children used to the notions of pulse, rhythm and pitch by using simple songs and games that can be easily implemented by teachers with little musical training. By engaging in these easy activities suitable for young children with mixed abilities they become aware of the elements of music without realising it and once they do they feel very proud with their progress. Helen’s experience both as an accomplished musician and as an educator working pupils of all ages, including young children, helped me to successfully deliver the curriculum with confidence.”Doretta, Blackbird teacher